High Memory Usage
There are lot of options, methods or checking in this regards but you can try one of them and check whether it may be a resolution of your problem.
To Fix Memory Leaks on Non-Paged-Pool:
Changed the registry value instead of using Autoruns:
Press window + R key then type regedit and press enter key to open the Windows Register window. From there find out the below path that double click on Ndu
and change the Start value to 4 (for disable). By default it is 2 for autorun.
To Fix Memory Leaks on Non-Paged-Pool:
Changed the registry value instead of using Autoruns:
Press window + R key then type regedit and press enter key to open the Windows Register window. From there find out the below path that double click on Ndu
and change the Start value to 4 (for disable). By default it is 2 for autorun.
High Memory Usage
Reviewed by Ashok Sen

1 comment:
1. You can check Windows Update service which takes and uses a lot of memories as well as disk space. So either you can stop this service (not recommended) or you can check frequently.
2. Clean and clear or uninstall the software which are no longer required.
3. Clean the temp directory. (Restart the windows if required.)
4. Installed software should be updated (up-to-date with the latest version).
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